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Romanian Notarial Institute


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Romanian Notarial Institute

    The improvement of the notarial activity within the member states of the European Union is a necessity and also an assumed challenge, inclusively by the management of the National Union of Civil-law Notaries of Romania, and the idea to establish a Notarial Institute appeared prior to the accession of our country in the European Union, in the context provided by the imminence of this process.

    The approaches for setting up the Romanian Notarial Institute began in 2005, when, the Council of the Union decided to set up the Romanian Notarial Institute Foundation, meant to organize and to perform the activities of professional training for notaries, notaries on probation, but also for elaboration of studies on the development of the profession of civil-law notary.

    Furthermore, the National Union of Civil-law Notaries of Romania submitted to the Romanian Parliament the proposal to amend the Law 36/1995 of civil-law notaries and notarial activity on the establishment of the Romanian Notarial Institute, and in 2010 was established, within the National Union of Civil Law Notaries the Romanian Notarial Institute, an entity with legal personality under the conditions set up through its own statute. Through the Decision of the Council of the National Union of Civil-law Notaries of Romania were adopted the Statute and the Regulation of organization and functioning of the Romanian Notarial Institute, the organizational chart, the educational curriculum, the budget of the institute, the logo and the stamp.

    Among the main attributions of the Romanian Notarial Institute we include the following:
  • Carries out studies, professional programs and policies on issues concerning the development of the notary’s profession;
  • Submits proposals to improve internal legislation in notarial matters and its harmonization with the legislation of the European Union;
  • Organizes professional colloquiums, symposia, conferences;
  • Establishes cooperation relations, internally and internationally, with institutions and organisations having attributions in the improvement of the professional training in the system of professions requiring legal training system;
  • Creates a database on the national and international legislation of interest in the notarial activity;
  • Will edit some own publications on matters of doctrine and notarial practice.
    Starting with 2013, the access to the profession of civil-law notary for the persons that have been exercising legal functions for more than 6 years, the examination for changing the notarial office and the exam and the completion exam for the notaries on probation and will be made through a contest, and respectevely, examinations organized by the Romanian Notarial Institute, according to the Law no 77/2012 for the modification and completion of the Law of civil-law notaries and notarial activity no 36/1995, republished, as subsequently amended. Also, according to the legal provisions mentioned above, the notary on probation will follow, for a 2 years period, theoretical and practical training courses organized by the Romanian Notarial Institute.

    For the accomplishement of the objectives set out in the Statute, the Romanian Notarial Institute has conducted professional training courses with the civil-law notaries and the auxiliary staff employed in the notarial offices in the 15 Chambers of civil-law notaries.

    The Romanian Notarial Institute issues diplomas and attestation recognized by the relevant institutions, under the auspices of the National Union of Civil-law Notaries of Romania, of the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sports, of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of Labour.
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